Okta Logins and Licenses and App Assignments, OH MY!
At Iron Cove Solutions, we spend a significant amount of time educating new and existing Okta customers of all the capabilities and features available to them. Our goal is to dispel the misconception that Okta only works as a password manager like LastPass or 1Password. Nothing could be further from the truth. Okta offers a scalable solution for business of any size.
Imagine the following common business scenario:
Your CIO informs you that the recent merger of your competition has been finalized and 50 new employees are set to start in a month.
Stop for a moment and think about how your company does this now.
Chances are if your business runs like many other businesses today; there are many steps involved within your onboarding process for new employees. Maybe you use an app like Salesforce or Workday to establish application single source of truth. There is also a possibility that you have to create a new user within Active Directory and your email systems like Office 365 and G Suite. What’s next?
How does your company assign applications to your new employees?
Do you log assignments in an Excel spreadsheet? Wait, was the product keys purchased last year? Do the license cards still work? (Don’t laugh, we’ve seen this solution before!)
Maybe that Excel spreadsheet has a lot of tabs and macros. Maybe there are a lot of spreadsheets and pieces of paper spread out over your company. Don't call me a "Debbie Doubter", but something tells me that your system is probably not very efficient or secure. Just think of the number of redundant tasks and the amount of time spent tracking logins, licenses and app assignments!
Now let's see onboarding from an Okta perspective...
Through Okta’s built-in application integrations and ability to enable provisioning for SaaS applications, automating user onboarding is simplified from several hours to a few minutes.
Leveraging automation for a growing business is essential, we also recommend implementing Life Cycle Management for user Activation and Deactivation (alt: Onboarding and Offboarding) Multi-factor Authentication for an added layer of security and protection against password attacks
What if an out of the box Okta implementation isn’t enough?
No problem, Okta offers an extensive API library. Now developers can modify Okta to suit almost any outcome they desire. Newly added event and inline hooks make the Okta possibilities limitless.
Did we pique your interest?
If this sounds like something you would be interested in hearing more about, give us a call. Iron Cove Solutions has helped hundreds of clients and thousands of employees integrate Okta into their everyday working lives giving them a powerful, efficient and secure business solution for the modern business world.
What if you don't have a Source of Truth for Okta?
The Orchestration Engine would be an ideal source of truth for the on and offboarding of users, partners and workers.