Cloud News Review week of 12/9/2019

    This week on Cloud News Review

    Google Assistant will now work in G Suite for Business! In a new beta, Google Assistant will work in G Suite and respond to various voice commands from creating calendar events to sending a note. The push was inevitable the company says with Google technology continuing to compete on the same level as Amazon. [CMSWire]

    Microsoft is bringing "fluent designs" to their Office apps. The company is redesigning Office 365 applications for mobile devices. While they already released new icons and logos for the apps, they will soon be rolling out new looks and features to increase productivity for mobile users. [OnMSFT]

    RMIT University and Amazon Web Services are opening a brand new cloud center. Titled "The Cloud Innovation Centre", it will be placed on the campus of the Australian university and will help students, researchers, and experts address cyber security and cloud literacy. [TechDecisions]

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