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Official Proofpoint Essentials Partner

Iron Cove Solutions has been Proofpoint partner since 2015 and have certified security consultants to help deploy, manage and support you ProofPoint Essentials instance.

Official Proofpoint Essentials Partner

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Proofpoint Essentials Pricing

Feature Business $3.93 Advanced $5.37 Professional $5.86
Plus Plan $4.36 + $6.65 + $7.14 +
Plus Plan Price with Security Awareness $5.40 SA $7.65 SA $8.14 SA
Custom Content Filtering
Impostor Email Protection
URL Defense
Predictive URL Defense New (Plus Plan)
Attachment Defense Reputation
Attachment Defense Sandboxing
Social Media Account Protection
Advanced BEC Detection New (Plus Plan)
Email Warning Tags New (Plus Plan)
One-Click Message Pull New (Plus Plan)
Outbound Filtering
Data Loss Prevention
Email Encryption
Emergency Inbox 30 Days 30 Days 30 Days
Email Spooling 30 Days 30 Days 30 Days
Email Archiving
Exchange and Microsoft 365 Support
Search and Discovery
Data Import and Export
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Introducing Proofpoint Essentials Email Filtering

Proofpoint Essentials Cybersecurity

In a world filled with ever-evolving cyber threats, the need for robust email filtering has never been greater. With Proofpoint Essentials, you gain access to cutting-edge technology that identifies and neutralizes email-borne threats before they can cause any harm.

Picture a stage where your employees can work peacefully, knowing that a formidable defense system shields their email communications. Proofpoint Essentials empowers your organization with the confidence to tackle any email-related security challenge.

Increasingly complex attacks and malware target Small Businesses (SMBs) and enterprises. The growing level of sophisticated, malicious emails is putting SMEs at risk.

Proofpoint Essentials is a cloud-based enterprise-class email security, continuity, and archiving product explicitly designed for SMBs. It’s backed by Proofpoint’s enterprise-class security and infrastructure—the same technology that protects some of the largest and most security-conscious companies in the world.

Proofpoint Essentials Security Awareness for your business.

On Demand Training

  1. To keep your business and data safe, a company must prioritize security measures, policies, and procedures. A key is to remain proactive and vigilant in identifying and addressing security issues.

  2. It involves educating workers about the importance of taking security measures, policies, and procedures, seriously.

  3. Security awareness training is a strategic approach employed by IT and security experts to preemptively address and mitigate potential risks posed by users.

Email Security Templates and create a security awareness campaign.

With thousands of different templates across 13 categories, you can assess users on multiple threat types, including:

  • Malicious email attachments.
  • Unsafe URLs embedded in emails.
  • Requests for personal data snatching.

End User Security Training

As a business, you must keep your end-user security awareness training up to date with the ever-changing email cyber security attacks.

Proofpoint Essentials Security Awareness Training (SAT) for end-users makes it easy with Campaigns, and you can set those campaigns a year out.

Proofpoint Essentials Security Awareness FAQ.

Q: Can I use this service despite not having Proofpoint Essentials?

A: It is platform-agnostic and works with many email services, like Exchange Online or Google Workspace.

Q: What is the pricing?

A: The price for Security Awareness is priced on an annual basis at $15.60.

Q: What can I see in reports?

A: Admins can view reports of those who clicked, didn't do well, failed training, failed the org, and put you at risk.

Q: What can I see with the Company Training Report Card?

A: The company training report card provides an at-a-glance view of average scores per module, users who are overdue on completing their assignments, and an assignment-level summary of users' progress status (not started, in progress, completed) and the completion rate.

Q: Do I need Proofpoint Essentials to run the Security Awareness?

A: You do not and can run it with Office 365, Exchange, and Google Gmail.


Quickly view the status of your training programs, including progress status (completed, not started, in progress), average scores, and completion rates. Quickly identify the users who are overdue on completing their assignments.

It's a lights-out service as your head hits the pillow, knowing this is in place for your business. Call today (888) 959-2825

Cybercrime Infograph Cost

Complete Defense Against Today’s Email Threats

End Spam and Ransomware with Proofpoint MLX™ Email Scanning.

Powered by Proofpoint MLX™ machine learning technology, Proofpoint Essentials spam and phishing detection offers maximum protection against email threats. It examines hundreds of thousands of attributes in every email to accurately detect text, image and attachment-based spam or phishing emails, while automatically adapting to new threats as they appear.

How can I protect against Email Ransomware?

The number one cause of ransomware is clicking on links in an email. If you do anything, you need a service to produce URL blocking and filtering. ProofPoint Essentials essentials email filtering service plans come with in-body blocking URL protection of email.

What level of protection can I get with Attachments?

Attachments, such as Microsoft Office documents, are often used in spear-phishing attacks to deliver banking Trojans, ransomware, or other malware. The Attachment Defense Capability leverages technology that powers the Proofpoint Targeted Attack Protection Solution. Intelligence gathered by dynamic malware analysis is used to identify and block malicious attachments that are designed to evade traditional security solutions.

Anti Virus

Proofpoint's threat detection technology enables our email Anti-Virus to provide customers with unrivaled protection from viruses and other email-borne threats. Proofpoint sophisticated anti-virus engines, blocking all known viruses, operate at the highest accuracy, performance, and effectiveness levels. Heuristic scanning additionally discovers and protects against unknown viruses for added security and reassurance.

Proofpoint Essentials Email Encryption

How does ProofPoint Email Encryption work?

It is required for your business to send all outbound emails through the ProofPoint cloud service. ProofPoint will scan all outgoing email, and Artificial Intelligence will look for specific, potentially sensitive content, such as credit card number, social security, or banking information. If an outgoing email is found to contain such material, the email is wrapped in an encryption package, and the email is sent to the recipients to direct them back to the encryption service where one can read and reply to your email. Responses are delivered to your inbox.

ProofPoint Essentials Advanced and Professional plan only come with Email Encryption.

Proofpoint Essentials Email Encryption is available to customers in both US and EU regions.

Technical Details:

  • Cryptographic Algorithms
  • Message Encryption: AES (256 bit)
  • Digital Signature: ECDSA

Ask Us to send you an encrypted email to you. Please fill out the contact us form below.

What are the steps of email encryption?

Step Description
1 The sender composes an email and hits send.
2 The email is sent to Proofpoint Essentials (over TLS) where the content is analyzed to determine if there are any filters that apply to the message.
3 An encryption filter has been created and applies to the email.
4 If the filter conditions for encryption are not met, the message proceeds forward with standard routing.
5 The email is delivered to and stored in the Encryption portal. (Expires after 15 days)
6 A notification email is sent to the original sender (e.g., "Your email was encrypted").
7 A notification email is sent to each recipient (e.g., "You have received an encrypted email").
8 The recipient clicks on the link in the email to view the content via the Encryption portal.
9 The recipient registers (one-time) to the service and reads the email.
10 The recipient replies to the email.
11 The reply is sent to the original sender (over TLS) and delivered to their inbox.

Proofpoint Essentials Features PDF and Packages

Proofpoint Essentials Price PDF


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(888) 959-2825
Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm