Exchange Online Plan 1 $4.80 user/month

Enjoy 16% off wth Annual! Choose the annual plan for Exchange Online Plan 1 and pay $48 instead of $4.80/month for monthly plan.

Terms: Can be billed monthly or annually.

Exchange Online Plan 1 Key Features

Mailbox Storage50 GB per user
Business-class EmailCustom domain, anti-spam/virus protection, mobile access
Shared CalendarsSchedule meetings and events collaboratively
Global Address List (GAL)Directory of all users for easy contact
In-Place ArchivingAutomatically move old emails to archive for space saving
Basic eDiscoverySearch and export email for legal/compliance needs
Multi-factor AuthenticationExtra security layer for user accounts

Microsoft Exchange Online Plan 1 offers the fundamental features necessary for reliable email communication and basic mailbox management. It provides organizations with a cloud-based solution for their email needs without the need to manage their own email infrastructure.

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Phone & Hours

(888) 959-2825
Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm