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Exchange Mail Server to Microsoft 365 - Email Migration Services

Migrate your emails, calendars, contacts, files, docs, and more from Exchange Mail Server to Microsoft 365 using Iron Cove Solutions' trusted Email Migration Service

Number of Email Users
Or enter users:
Approx. cost$20,000
What type of data do you want to migrate?
Do you know the total average size of mailboxes?
Please review these help articles below
(Desired) Start Date
or call us at: (888) 959-2825

Disclaimer: This calculator is intended for illustrative purpose and is not suitable for legal, financial, or other professional advice. Iron Cove Solutions makes no warranty, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability or suitability of the information herein provided. Past performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future results. By submitting, I agree to our processing of my personal data described in our Privacy Policy.

Key Questions

What is migrated with email only?

Active Mailboxes Only (email, contacts, calendars, journals, notes, tasks, and rules where applicable)

What is migrated with documents?

  • Active Mailboxes Only (email, contacts, calendars, journals, notes, tasks, and rules where applicable)
  • Suspended Email Box or Drive will need to be “turned back on” which will incur a cost if you want them all done at once. If you want to get around this, now that active users are over, we can then suspend and then reactivate 'suspended' users
  • Documents (Google Drive)
  • HIPAA Compliant
  • Email and Drive
  • EX: Email Box Size 32 Gig and 50 Gig of Personal - This license would cover

Business Email Migration Success Stories

Scenario 1

  • Purchase the Mailbox License to move mailboxes from Google to Office 365
  • Review available Office 365 licenses to fit Bone Electric's needs
  • Estimated migration time is approximately 5-3 days, depending on mailbox sizes/throttling

    Recommendation & Steps

    Client Bones Electric wants to migrate email from Google Workspace to Office 365 exchange online email server. Bones Electric is a small business with 100 employees. Their email mailbox utilization is less than 50 GB per mailbox, and employees do not store documents within Drive; all files are stored locally within a file server. Bones Electric has not purchased any licenses from Microsoft, nor have they started the process to configure an Office 365 tenant.

Scenario 2

  • Purchase the User Migration Bundle to allow Drive data to be migrated along with the email mailbox data
  • Enable/activate suspended users to migrate their data from Google Workspace to Microsoft Office 365
  • Enable email archiving for mailboxes over 50GBs in size
  • Configure the secondary domain for continued use as an alias domain
  • Estimated migration time 14-7 days due to Microsoft throttling

    Recommendation & Steps

    Client Atomic Construction would like to migrate email mailbox from Google Workspace to Office 365. Atomic Construction is a medium business of 1500 users with 500 suspended mailboxes. Their mailbox utilization averages between 20-30GBs, while several organization leadership users have mailboxes over 100GBs. Atomic Construction would like to migrate all mailboxes, including ones currently suspended. Users currently store all data in their Drive, which will need to be migrated to OneDrive within Microsoft Office 365. Atomic Construction users also utilize an additional alias, which will need to be migrated. Atomic Construction has purchased Microsoft Office 365 licenses but has not started the configuration process.

Scenario 3

  • Purchase the Mailbox License to migrate user email mailboxes from Google Workspace to Microsoft Office 365
  • Purchase Shared Documents 50GB licenses for the Google Shared Drives
  • Estimated migration time 10-7 days

    Recommendation & Steps

    Client Chick Tiff Manufacturing has acquired another organization and wishes to migrate the newly purchased organization to their Office 365 instance. The newly acquired organization utilizes Google Workspace and consists of 25 users. The organization's email mailbox utilization is less than 50 GB; however, it heavily uses Drive to store and share information internally and externally. The newly acquired organization utilizes 5 Shared Drives ranging from 20-45GBs in size. Chick Tiff Manufacturing would like to use SharePoint Online to store the data from the newly acquired organization.

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Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm
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