Cloud News Review week of 8/26/2019

    This week on Cloud News Review

    Microsoft has announced that Skype for Business will officially be retired in 2021. The company has stated that Microsoft Teams will be the new hub for all chats, meetings, and all other forms of online video communication. [Microsoft]

    G Suite is getting an update with something you'd think they'd have already, spell-check. Yes, Google announced that the next G Suite update will have an improved Gmail spell checker similar to those in Microsoft Word, to get rid of any embaressing mistakes one could possibly send. [DigitalInformationWorld]

    For the fifth quarter in a row, Microsoft is number 1 in phishing attacks. It is said that Office 365 credentials are an easy target for phishing and scammers. However, Microsoft has stated while attack numbers are high, the success rate is low because of the companies advanced authentication services. [WinBuzzer]

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