Cloud News Review week of 8/17/2020

    Cloud News Review week of 8/17/2020

    This week on Cloud News Review

    With people still working online, Cyber threat activity is on the rise in a new area...sports websites. According to the U.K.'s National Cyber Security Centre, 70 percent of sports organizations have experienced some sort of cyber incident or breach. Ways to prevent these types of cyber incidents is using Proofpoint Essentials with your Office 365 account. [DigitalJournal]

    Schools are opening back up and Google is here to help. GSuite is adding new features for their education line to help people going back to school like integrating collaborating whiteboards, multiple different languages, and increased chat displays.

    Google is soon going to replace video chat application "Duo" with "Meet". GSuite head Javier Soltero says he wants to make Google Meet the one service for both enterprise and regular customers. While "Duo" has gotten steady updates recently, the merger will totally phase it out in favor of "Meet". [Gadgets360]

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