Cloud News Review week of 5/27/2019

    This week on Cloud News Review

    In Google's GSuite, they have added a new "Linked Objects" sidebar in both Docs and Slides. This sidebar lets users find linked content like embedded charts, tables, slides, and drawings to update them from whatever project that they are working on. ]

    Microsoft has shown significant improvements in their search engine Bing. Bing now displays more information about people plus a number of other implementations like seeing information from available Office 365 users and an easier way to find recent emails. [WinBuzzer]

    In Okta news, their stock has been steadily clawing upward this past quarter. Looking at the bigger picture, Okta stock has increased 6.14% over the past 4-weeks, 121.86% over the past half year and 122.59% over the past full year.

    Check back every week for more Cloud News Review from Iron Cove Solutions!

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