Cloud News Review week of 3/2/2020

    Cloud News Review week of 3/2/2020

    This week on Cloud News Review

    Microsoft has released the brand new Office app for IOS and Android! The updated app features your favorite Office apps like Word, Powerpoint, Excel etc. all in one place. The app also features mobile exclusive actions like "Sign a PDF", "Scan QR Code", and "Transfer Files". [GameSinners]

    With the Coronavirus news spreading, big tech companies aren't feeling the impact yet but experts say they may soon. Tech giants such as Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon have yet to have their stock price effected by the Coronavirus, but with global production and purchasing slowing in international markets, some believe there could be a drop in the near future. [TheStreet]

    George Washington University announced that they will be moving all students, faculty, and staff from Google mail and calendar services to Office 365 throughout 2020. According to The GW Hatchet school newspaper, this transition is to provide more access to the latest technology for all users on the campus. [GWHatchet]

    Check back every week for more Cloud News Review from Iron Cove Soltuions!

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