Cloud News Review week of 2/17/2020

    Cloud News Review week of 2/17/2020

    This week on Cloud News Review

    This past Wednesday, Microsoft's Fluid Framework Preview was made available to all enterprise users. Fluid Framework is the companies new developmental system that connects all of the their apps seamlessly and makes collaboration easier. See more details on their website: Microsoft

    Microsoft is also developing a new way to organize your emails, meetings, and documents with "Outlook Spaces". This experience will be a place where users can post content from emails, to just notes in what is known as a "project space" and create a dedicated digital area for it. This work in progress feature isn't open as of yet, but is expected to be soon. [OnMSFT]

    In more Microsoft news, the company has released a new feature for Outlook that lets you report phishing attacks to the company with a click of a button. Available to all Android users, if you see an email that seems fishy, just click on the "Report Junk" option and it will be sent. [MSPowerUser]

    Check back every week for more cloud news from Iron Cove Soltuions!

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