Cloud News Review week of 12/16/2019

    This week on Cloud News Review

    In one month's time, Windows 7 will be gone. On January 14th 2020, Microsoft will no longer support devices with Windows 7 and will require users to be, at the very least, on Windows 8 if they aren't on Windows 10 already. Using a device without support risks chance of security breaches and slow moving systems. [PCWorld]

    Gmail has added a new feature which many will enjoy, sending emails as attachments. Instead of forwarding many emails that pertain to a single topic, you can now attach emails to a single message so you don't have to waste time sending multiple emails to the same person. This feature will be rolling out next month. [TheHindu]

    Microsoft has opened a brand new cloud data centers in Switzerland. With the new center in Geneva and Zurich, Microsoft Office 365 has become widely available in those Swiss regions. The company is also planning on opening new centers in Germany and Norway in 2020. [MSPowerUser]

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