Cloud News Review week of 12/03/2018

    Cloud News Review week of 12/03/2018

    This week on Cloud News Review

    Microsoft has given Office 365 icons a fresh new redesign. The new icons is the next step Windows is taking in revamping the look of their system. A new design for all of Windows 10 will be announced soon. [techradar]

    The year 2019 will be the last year of availability for Google Hangouts. The company has announced that Hangouts would be shutting down and transitioning into Chat and Meet. Chat being a team communication app and Meet being a video conference platform.

    Auth0 has expanded its reach into countries outside of the U.S. The company has just named a new country manager for it's Japan division, Jun Fujita. Fujita's focus will be on reaching Auth0's revenue and growth targets as well as further building the Auth0 team. [apnews]

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