Cloud News Review week of 11/18/2019

    This week on Cloud News Review

    Office 365 admins are to keep on the lookout for a phising campaign that is targeting users of the Microsoft Suite. PhishLabs says that Office 365 admins are specifically being targeted for their access to all emails on the domain. Experts ask that you make sure you know where the email you received is coming from to avoid these attacks. [InfoSecurity]

    In a bizarre twist, users can longer have assistant reminders through G Suite. Angering many users for losing such a basic feature, the company claims it was removed and they are working to "improve the experience". Time will tell what the improvement is for G Suite users. [ReclaimtheNet]

    Microsoft announced that they are shutting down the Cortana app for iPhone and Android systems in several countries including Canada. This doesn't mean Cortana is dead however, it is just moving to Office 365 specific duties since the company claims the virtual assistant would be better suited there. [MobileSyrup]

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