Cloud News Review week of 1/27/2020

    This week on Cloud News Review

    The Bureau of Alcohol, Tabacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) is reaching a huge milestone by closing its last data center and moving all content over to the cloud. The ATF says that they don't want to ignore the importance of IT with this move to have everything digital, the closed data center will be turned into extra office space for the bureau. [FedScoop]

    Google has put an end to App Maker. Similar to Microsoft Powerapps, App Maker was a low-code development program that allowed businesses to create apps to improve business workflow. Google recommends using Appsheet, a similar no-code program. [MSPowerUser]

    Acronyms can be very confusing with SEO, GAAP, NTP, RTM and so on, well Microsoft Search has been released for non-enterprise users today. Microsoft Search, originally just for enterprise users of Office 365, makes it easier for anyone to find out any sort of acronym in the business world. [WebProNews]

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