Cloud News Review week of 1/13/2020

    This week on Cloud News Review

    A new update to Microsoft Teams has come with an exciting new feature. The "Walkie-Talkie" feature on the Office 365 collaboration app provides users the chance to send audio messages at just the click of a button. Unlike old fashioned walkie talkie's, there is no risk of cross-talking or eavesdropping since this is all done through wifi as opposed to radio frequencies. [ComputerWorld]

    The cloud has been a booming industry right now with reports from Security Brief stating that 86% of enterprises have deployed some form of cloud based technology. Unfortunately, that number is not very high with cyber-security. The same research states that only 34% of those with cloud deployments implemented single sign-on (SSO), one of the most basic security features. That number seems significally low for businesses with high online risks. [SecurityBrief]

    Microsoft is gaining ground on cloud giants such as Amazon for people trying to avoid the number 1 retail corp. The company has been rolling out new tools and systems that are specifically designed for the retail marketplace. Not just the aforementioned walkie talkie feature, more will be revealed at their National Retail show next week. [WebProNews]

    Check back every week for more cloud news from Iron Cove Solutions

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