We can build a custom provisioning application and connect to Okta.

Read and learn about our Zendesk to Okta Onboarding Development work.

Our Stages for building a custom application.

The stages for building a custom web application can vary depending on the methodology and specific approach used, but here is a general outline of the typical stages:

1. Discovery: This stage involves identifying the project goals, requirements, and specifications. It may also include conducting research and gathering data to inform the development process.

2. Planning: In this stage, a project plan is developed, including timelines, budget, and resource allocation. This may also include wireframing and prototyping the user interface and experience.

3. Design: In this stage, the application's visual and interaction design is created, including the development of mockups and prototypes.

4. Development: This stage involves writing the code for the application, integrating it with databases and third-party services, and testing it to ensure it meets requirements and works as expected.

5. Testing: In this stage, the application is thoroughly tested to identify and address any bugs or issues that may impact functionality or user experience.

6. Deployment: The application is prepared for launch and deployed to production environments, including servers and hosting.

7. Maintenance: After deployment, the application requires ongoing maintenance and updates to address any bugs or issues that arise, as well as to add new features and improve performance.

Overall, building a custom web application requires a significant investment of time, resources, and expertise to ensure that the final product meets the needs and expectations of its users.

Development is a process. We deliver the experiences your employees and partners demand.

Why We Use Leading Edge Cloud Tools.

We use serverless tools to keep your app cost low.

Serverless technology enables developers to build and run applications without managing servers. Instead, the cloud provider manages the infrastructure and automatically scales the application based on usage. This eliminates the need for developers to manage servers, and allows them to focus on writing code and building features.

Benefits of using Serverless technology include:

1. Reduced operational costs - developers only pay for the resources their application consumes, rather than paying for idle server time.

2. Increased scalability - the cloud provider automatically scales the application based on usage, ensuring that it can handle sudden spikes in traffic.

3. Improved developer productivity - developers can focus on building features and writing code, rather than managing infrastructure.

4. Faster time to market - Serverless technology can help reduce the time it takes to deploy and launch applications.

Overall, Serverless technology can help simplify the development and deployment process, while also providing cost and scalability benefits.

What is the costing structure of AWS tools.

1. AWS Amplify: Amplify provides a free tier with limited usage and additional pricing based on usage of backend services like AWS AppSync, AWS Lambda, and Amazon DynamoDB. For example, AppSync charges $4.00 per million queries, Lambda charges $0.20 per million requests, and DynamoDB charges $0.25 per million read requests.

2. AWS Step Functions: AWS Step Functions charges $0.025 per state transition and $0.000025 per state transition-second for standard workflows. There is also a free tier that allows for up to 4,000 state transitions per month.

3. AWS Lambda: Lambda offers a free tier of 1 million requests and 400,000 GB-seconds of compute time per month. Additional pricing is based on the number of requests and the amount of compute time used, with a charge of $0.20 per 1 million requests and $0.00001667 per GB-second.

4. Amazon Cognito: Cognito provides a free tier that includes 50,000 monthly active users and 10 GB of data storage. Additional pricing is based on the number of monthly active users, with a charge of $0.0055 per user per month, and the amount of data storage used, with a charge of $0.15 per GB per month.

5. Amazon DynamoDB: DynamoDB provides a free tier that includes up to 25 GB of data storage and up to 200 million requests per month. Additional pricing is based on the amount of data storage used, with a charge of $0.25 per GB per month, and the number of read and write requests, with a charge of $0.00013 per request.

Note that these prices are subject to change, and it's always best to check the AWS Pricing Calculator for the most up-to-date pricing information.

Our Code Stacks!

Amazon AWS Tool Sets


We will integrate our custom form into your Zendesk Ticket System, allowing you to enjoy a streamlined onboarding process that spans the entire lifecycle of a user, from filling out a web form to creating a ticket and on to Okta.


Must Have Considerations For Custom Web Application.

Employee Satisfaction

Efficient and effective technology can make employees' jobs easier and more efficient, reducing frustration and increasing job satisfaction. For example, if employees have access to modern tools and software that help them automate routine tasks, they may be able to focus on more meaningful and challenging work, which can improve their satisfaction with their jobs.

Poorly functioning or outdated technology can cause frustration and reduce job satisfaction, especially if it creates barriers to productivity or inhibits communication and collaboration. In some cases, employees may feel that their employer is not investing in their success, which can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and disengagement.

Therefore, companies that prioritize investing in modern and effective technology that supports their employees' needs can see increased employee satisfaction and engagement, which can ultimately lead to improved productivity, retention, and overall company success.


Mobile application development is important, and it requires high employee utilization. Our goal is to achieve high user utilization for the onboarding and offboarding of users via a mobile app.

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