Cloud News Review week of 9/30/2019

    Cloud News Review week of 9/30/2019

    This week on Cloud News Review

    Microsoft Teams, the core collaboration application from Office 365, has some new updates! Channel Cross-Posting is one of a few new features added that lets you share information with multiple teams simultaneously. [Microsoft]

    Google has announced at their Tokyo cloud conference that it will begin offering a "high-risk" GSuite account of their own enhanced security. Called the Advanced Protection Program, this program is set to use more security to have access to the account plus a more advanced email and virus scanning method. [ITProToday]

    Automated Incident Response (AIR) is now available from Microsoft Office 365 Enterprise users. This new AIR is available to companies that run Office 365 ATP plan 2 and Office 365 Enterprise E5 tier for a greater increase in security. [ITOnline]

    Check back every week for more Cloud News Review from Iron Cove Solutions!

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