Cloud News Review week of 6/3/2019

    This week on Cloud News Review

    Attention to anyone using older smartphones! Microsoft has announced that they are dropping support for Office apps on older Android OS versions. Microsoft states while they can't stop users from working with Office 365 in older Android phones, they won't send users fix codes for any problems or bugs that may acquire. [AndroidKenya]

    Google had reported high congestion activity on Sunday June 2nd. This congestion affected much of the U.S. access to YouTube and the Google Cloud around 3:25 ET. Google has since report that the issue has been resolved and they are looking more on how to prevent this from happening again. [JournalPioneer]

    Gmail's confidential mode launches for GSuite users this month! With confidential mode, copying, printing, and downloading messages is disabled keeping the reader of said message on Google's server. Users can also set an experation date to their messages as well.

    Check back every week for more cloud news from Iron Cove Solutions!

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