Cloud News Review week of 6/10/2019

    Cloud News Review week of 6/10/2019

    This week on Cloud News Review

    Last weeks outage on Google's services like YouTube, Google Cloud, and many more has now been said to have been caused by an "incorrectly applied" server configuration. According to[ SB Dirty Soccer]( "Google’s Sunday Service Outage Caused by an "Incorrectly Applied" Server Configuration"), "Google said it had meant to make a configuration change to a small number of servers in one location, but that this change was accidentally applied to many more servers in more regions."

    Google has added new advanced analytics to their G Suite Enterprise. "Work Insights" lets businesses track how often users are accessing G Suite apps as well as which features employees are most using. This is a way for businesses to track what departments are in need of and what they utilize the most.

    Auto Compose through Gmail is coming to paid G Suite users! Auto Compose was given to users free in beta form and has been with enterprise users since last September, but is now available for all paid G Suite users. Auto Compose suggests commonly used phrases and greetings, as well as accessing your contacts to help create a possible message to be sent through Gmail!

    Check back every week for more Cloud News Review from Iron Cove Solutions.

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