Cloud News Review week of 12/31/2018

    This week on Cloud News Review

    Microsoft is making 4K cameras with facial recognition technology. This is one of the steps the company is making to create a password-less sign-in procedure gaining access to things like Skype and Office 365 using only your face. [Fossbytes]

    In end of the year news, Microsoft's sales in India stayed flat for 2018. While the company has seen increasing numbers in the United States, its turnover rate in India fell by 12%. However, income from search online-advertising and services increased by 11%. [EconomicTimes]

    While the stock market may have been up and down lately, stock for cloud computing took a soar! Okta increased by over 11% this past week. Okta has shattered expectation with now gaining 145% this year. [MotleyFool]

    Check back every week for more Cloud News Review! Happy New Year!

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